This session is designed to give participants an understanding of who the Person of the Holy Spirit is and His ongoing role in the Christian's life


The goals of the Pneumatology session are to:

  1. Be able to define simply who the Holy Spirit is and affirm His Deity and Personhood in the scriptures

  2. Be able to articulate the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to the Trinity

  3. Be able to articulate the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the world today

  4. Be able to demonstrate the general purpose and idea behind prayer

Prep Work

Read: Intercessory Prayer

Read: Ministry and Character - Keller 

Read/Listen: Systematic Theology, Ch. 30 (The Work of the Holy Spirit) - Grudem [audio teaching]

Read/Listen: Systematic Theology, Ch. 34 (Regeneration) - Grudem [audio teaching]

Read/Listen: Systematic Theology, Ch. 39 (Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit) - Grudem [audio teaching]

Watch: The Holy Spirit- Third Mil

Complete: Fruit of the Spirit Assessment

Complete: To Whom Am I Sent Questionnaire

Exegete: John 16:5-15 (using the Abbreviated Exegetical Worksheet)

Outline: Luke 13-24 (use the Book Outline Worksheet)

Continue: Personal Development Plan (using the PDP Worksheet)